The Auto Hrvatska Business Group, in its way of doing business, internal and external culture, care for the environment, its employees and the relationship it has with its partners and the community in which it operates, is led by the principles of corporate social responsibility.


KodeksiPoslovna grupa Auto Hrvatska Business Group bases its business on the principles of the Code of Ethics in Business of the Croatian Chamber of Economy. In 2010, the text of the MAN Code of Conduct was adopted, from our most significant partner in terms of volume, MAN Truck & Bus.

The Code of Prudent and Diligent Conduct in Business Activities of the Auto Hrvatska Business Group was created in 2015 with the aim of systematically applying and enforcing the Code of Ethics in all business activities. The Code represents the basic values of the Business Group and promotes standards of the best business practices to maintain its reputation in all fields of business. It gives our employees instructions on achieving core business objectives.


In 2017, the Business Group implemented an integrated system for controlling quality, the environment and energy efficiency based on the requirements of norms ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 5000:2018, which improved its performance and it cooperates with all interested parties in sustainable development and the reduction of its negative impact on the environment and depletion of natural resources.

ZigzelenEnergy is generated from renewable energy sources, so-called "green energy".

The result of introducing an energy management system are savings in energy use, and the monitoring of energy consumption through the business system has been introduced as well. Investment in reducing energy consumption is continuously carried out by investing in more technologically efficient solutions and also through employee training.

Waste represents a potentially huge loss of resources in terms of materials and energy and inadequate waste management may have serious consequences on people and nature. Here at Auto Hrvatska, we take comprehensive and systematic care of all types of waste and waste generation and waste flow is documented as prescribed.


Zaposlenici Auto Hrvatska Business Group takes special care of its employees. Employees are the key to our success and that is why it is extremely important for us to offer a secure and stimulating work environment. 

 All employees, regardless of the type of contract, race, sex or age have the same benefits in line with their years service in the company. Employees are offered additional benefits, such as a closed voluntary pension fund and regular physical exams.

Through the employee training system, additional incentives, instruments and support are provided for the autonomous desire to build, develop and improve the knowledge and skills of each employee in accordance with the development and business activities of the Auto Hrvatska Business Group.

Health and safety at work have a significant impact when it comes to contracting and carrying out of all tasks. Care for health and safety at work is carried out through a range of related activities:

  • medical examinations before the start of employment,
  • regular periodic examinations,
  • regular physical examinations for all employees
  • physical recreation afforded to employees of their own choice
  • respecting high environmental and ergonomic standards and regulations
  • use of safety equipment
  • internal training from work safety experts on the topic of health and safety at work


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